dijous, 27 de maig del 2010


The lady is from Sweden,she is here in holiday and she has a good time.She chooses Catalonia and spain because a bank of Swidan offered them the trip and they accepted it. The lady is staying in a hotel with a group of eight people. She's been in Catalonia for six days and she can't speak Catalan or Spanish but she thinks some people don't speak good English but some people speak good, definitley she doesn't know. She visited Lanzarote, la Gomera and more places of around Spain with, she likes all of Spain and Catalonia in general but the places that she likes more is Lanzarote. She thinks that Dali museum is very interesting and she has bought some souvenirs

The people in Spain are very friendly, she likes the Spanish food.
She likes to return to Spain again.

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