dijous, 13 de maig del 2010


Final Intervew

Excuse me, Do you speak English?
We are students at Hight school we are doing a proyect for the English class. Could we ask you some questions, please.

Where are you from? ->D'on ets?
Are you on holiday here? -> Estàs de vacances?
Are you having a good time? ->T'agrada aquest lloc?
Why did you choose Spain for your holidays?
Where are you staing? -> On estás instalat?
Are you with a group, family or friends? -> Amb qui has vingut? Amb la família o amb els amics?
How many people are you with?
How long are you staing here in Spain?
Do you speak Spanish?-> Parles Castellà?
Do you think that Spanish people speaking good English?
Which didn't you like so much?-> Quin lloc no t'agradat molt?
Do how have any souvenir? -> Has comprat algun regal?
You do like Spanish food? -> T'agrada el menjar de Espanya?
What do you think of the Dali Museum? -> Que t'ha semblat el museu Dali?
Are the people friendly here? -> Son amables en aquest pais?
Would you like to come back again?-> T'agradaria tornar alguna vegada?

Thank you very much for you time!

Thanks the milion!GOOD BYE! ENJOIED HOLIDAY!

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