dijous, 27 de maig del 2010


The lady is from Sweden,she is here in holiday and she has a good time.She chooses Catalonia and spain because a bank of Swidan offered them the trip and they accepted it. The lady is staying in a hotel with a group of eight people. She's been in Catalonia for six days and she can't speak Catalan or Spanish but she thinks some people don't speak good English but some people speak good, definitley she doesn't know. She visited Lanzarote, la Gomera and more places of around Spain with, she likes all of Spain and Catalonia in general but the places that she likes more is Lanzarote. She thinks that Dali museum is very interesting and she has bought some souvenirs

The people in Spain are very friendly, she likes the Spanish food.
She likes to return to Spain again.

dijous, 13 de maig del 2010


Final Intervew

Excuse me, Do you speak English?
We are students at Hight school we are doing a proyect for the English class. Could we ask you some questions, please.

Where are you from? ->D'on ets?
Are you on holiday here? -> Estàs de vacances?
Are you having a good time? ->T'agrada aquest lloc?
Why did you choose Spain for your holidays?
Where are you staing? -> On estás instalat?
Are you with a group, family or friends? -> Amb qui has vingut? Amb la família o amb els amics?
How many people are you with?
How long are you staing here in Spain?
Do you speak Spanish?-> Parles Castellà?
Do you think that Spanish people speaking good English?
Which didn't you like so much?-> Quin lloc no t'agradat molt?
Do how have any souvenir? -> Has comprat algun regal?
You do like Spanish food? -> T'agrada el menjar de Espanya?
What do you think of the Dali Museum? -> Que t'ha semblat el museu Dali?
Are the people friendly here? -> Son amables en aquest pais?
Would you like to come back again?-> T'agradaria tornar alguna vegada?

Thank you very much for you time!

Thanks the milion!GOOD BYE! ENJOIED HOLIDAY!

dijous, 6 de maig del 2010

Intervew turist

Hello, Could you answer us some questions please?

1.What did you do here? Are you on holidays or are you resident here?
2.Are you here with the family?
3.Do you like this place?
6.Why do you choose this place?
7.How long do you will stay here?
8.Did you go to the beach some day?
9.What do you visited here?
10.You like Ampuriabrava?
11.What music do you like?
12.What is you favorite fodd from Spain?
13.Do you like the Spanish girls/men?
14.Do you have any problem in Spain?
15.What do you think of this interview?

Thank for you colaboretion!!!:)

dilluns, 12 d’abril del 2010

My Football

Friday I'm in for the football team Empuriabrava, I hope to do well. Me gusta hacer deport.

dijous, 8 d’abril del 2010

a JOke

What is difference between man and Superman?
Man wears underwear under the trouser and superman wears it over the trouser.

Què és la diferència entre l'home i Superman?
L'home utilitza roba interior sota els pantalons i Superman el porta en els pantalons.

dimecres, 7 d’abril del 2010


I loved Italy, what I liked most was the tower of piss, because I could make a very creative photo.
I pass it very well with all my friends and I would like them return to go.
Never had left Spain and I was very pleased with the trip.

divendres, 19 de març del 2010

My abilites

I can understand English and French.
I can speak Spanish and Catalan.
I can be very responsible.


I can swim
I can drive motorcycle
I can be very timely

dijous, 11 de març del 2010

My avatar, Mercutio*

Get a Voki now!

dijous, 21 de gener del 2010

when they were young*

-What's your name? -> Com et dius?
-Who old are you? -> Quants anys tens?
-Where were you born? When were you born? -> Quan vas néixer, i a on vas Neixér?
-What did you study? -> Que estudiaves?
-Where did you study? -> On estudiaves?
-How long have you been workin? -> Quants anys as treballat?
-When did you marry your wife? ->Quan et vas casar amb la teva dona?
-How many children do you have? -> Quants fills tens?
-2 Positive and negative experiences! -> Dos positives i negatives experiences.
-What did you do in the free time? -> Que feies en el teu temps lliure?
-How did you met his wife? ->Com vas conéixer ala teva dóna?
-How was relation ship whit your parents? ->Quina relació tenies amb els teus parents?
-When you were young, what did you play? -> Quan eres jove, a que jugaves?
-How was the fashion in your time? -> Com era la moda en el seu temps?
-What music did you listen when you were young? ->Quina musica escoltaves quan eres jove?
-At that age you began to party at nights? until when? -> Quan vas començar a surtir de festa? Fins a quina ora?

dijous, 14 de gener del 2010

Experience of mi friends

My friends also have good experiences:

-Sokaiena has ridden a Camel.
-Ernest has seen in Cristiano Ronaldo.
-Jose has driveen jet ski.
-Marvin has in summer practised wake board.